User Agreement of the China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

The China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (CSMPTE) understands well the importance of personal information security, and we shall adopt security measures to protect your personal information and privacy in accordance with the laws and regulations. To this end, we have developed the "User Agreement of the China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers" (hereinafter referred to as "this User Agreement" or "this Agreement") and remind you that before using the CSMPTE website related services and submitting personal information, please be sure to carefully read and thoroughly understand this User Agreement and use the products and services only after confirming that you fully understand and agree to it. Once you start to use the products and services of the CSMPTE website, you will be deemed to accept and approve the content of this Agreement.

The CSMPTE greatly values your personal information protection and will treat such information with a high degree of diligence and care. We collect, store, use, share, disclose and protect your personal information in accordance with this User Agreement when you browse, register, log in and use (hereinafter collectively referred to as "use") the services related to the CSMPTE website. We want to introduce you to our handling of your personal information through this User Agreement, so we again recommend that you read all of the terms of this User Agreement carefully and completely.

If you object to this User Agreement, the CSMPTE website related services may not operate normally, we may not be able to provide you with complete products and services, and you can stop accessing our services and close the website. Your continued use of the CSMPTE website related services means that you are consenting to this User Agreement in full.

This User Agreement will help you understand the following:
1. How we collect and use your personal information
2. The storage of personal information
3. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information
4. Protection of personal information security
5. Management of personal information
6. Rules of use that users must follow in the process of using the User Services
8. Dispute resolution

1.How we collect and use your personal information

When you register with the CSMPTE, you understand and agree that we may collect, store and use the following data related to your personal information, which has various functions, including the ability to receive verification codes for your registration, login, account binding, and password retrieval. If you object to provide the relevant information, you may not be able to register as our user or enjoy some of the services we provide, or to achieve the intended effect of the relevant services.

When you use certain functions of the CSMPTE website, according to the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, you may be required to provide your real identity information through your account, and we will assist you in choosing the appropriate way to complete the real-name authentication according to your identity attributes. If you only need to use the basic functions such as browsing, searching, etc., you do not need to register for a CSMPTE account, nor do you need to provide relevant information.

1.1 Information you provide to us

If you register or log in to the CSMPTE user system in another way, we will request your personal information from third parties, and we may ask you to provide personal information that we need but that third parties cannot provide. If you refuse to do so, please be aware that you may lose some of the functionality of our website.

1.2 When you use the CSMPTE website, we automatically collect information about your use of our services and keep it as a web log. For example, the content of your web queries, search queries, push status setting, follow content, video bit rate setting, IP address, browser type, language used, date and time of access to the service.

1.3 After we obtain your consent to get your information from a third party, we may obtain your authorized account information (such as avatar, nickname, etc.) from third parties and bind your third party account to your CSMPTE website account after you have agreed to this User Agreement, so that you can directly log in and use the CSMPTE website products and related services through your third party account. We will use your personal information obtained from the third party in accordance with the agreement with the third party, after confirming the legality of the source of personal information, and in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

1.4 When you use the CSMPTE website to search, we will collect your search keyword, equipment information and so on. To provide an efficient search service, some of the aforementioned information will be temporarily stored in your local storage device. You understand and agree that if the keyword information you searched for cannot be identified as your personal information alone or in combination with other information, it is not personal information in the legal sense and therefore we have the right to use it for other purposes; only if the keyword information you searched for can be identified as your personal information alone or in combination with other information, then we will treat your keyword information as your personal information during combined use and process and protect it together with your search history in accordance with this User Agreement.

1.5 When you experience the authentication provided by the CSMPTE website, we will collect information about your cell phone number in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and/or necessary for the authentication, and we will protect your information to the greatest extent possible. If you do not provide this information, you may not be able to access the relevant services.

1.6 When you join our marketing activities, we may collect your name, mailing address, contact information, and bank account number as needed for the activity. This information is necessary for you to receive transfers or gifts, and if you refuse to provide this information, we may not be able to transfer funds or issue gifts to you.

1.7 In order to realize the functions of the software and related services, we will use your personal information collected in accordance with the provisions of this User Agreement. We will obtain your consent in advance for any use other than for the purposes described in this User Agreement. Specifically, we will use the personal information we collect from you for the following purposes:

(1) To provide you with more convenient and accurate information display and push services.

(2) In an effort to ensure the service security, we may record the frequency of your use of the software, crash data, overall usage, and performance data to help us better understand the software operation.

(3) To provide you with a better experience, improve our services or the use of personal information to which you have consented, we may use the information data collected through one of our services in a pooled information data or personalized manner for our other services, subject to relevant laws and regulations. For example, information collected when you use one of our services may be used in another service to provide you with specific content or to show you information that is relevant to you and not generally pushed. You may also authorize us to use the information provided and stored by that service for our other services if we provide the appropriate options in the relevant service.

(4) After collecting your personal information, we will adopt technical means for data de-identification to reduce the risk of other organizations or individuals identifying you through the de-identified personal information, and take technical and administrative measures to store the de-identified data separately from the information that can be recovered and used to identify individuals. Please understand and agree that in such cases we have the right to use the de-identified information; and that we have the right to analyze and commercially exploit the user database without disclosing your personal information.

(5) Please note that, unless you delete or withdraw your consent (i.e., refuse our collection and use through system settings), you will continuously authorize us to use all personal information provided by you when using our website and related services in accordance with the scope of this User Agreement.

(6) We will keep statistics on the use of the software and related services and may share such statistics with the public or third parties to demonstrate overall usage trends of our website and related services. However, these statistics will not contain any personal information about you.

2. The storage of personal information

2.1 Location of information retention

The CSMPTE retains your personal information collected and generated in operations in the People's Republic of China in compliance with the laws and regulations.

Currently, we do not transfer or store your personal information across borders. If we need to transfer or store your personal information across borders in the future, we will inform you of the purpose, the recipient, the security measures and risks, and obtain your consent.

2.2 Retention Period

The CSMPTE will retain your personal information only for as long as is necessary to provide the services on the CSMPTE website, except as otherwise provided by law or regulation.

After your personal information has been retained beyond the retention period, the CSMPTE will delete or anonymize your personal information as required by applicable law.

3. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information

3.1 We will treat your information with a high degree of diligence and obligation. We may share your personal information with third parties after obtaining your explicit consent. In addition, we may share your personal information with relevant third parties as required by laws and regulations or mandatory government requests or judicial decisions, etc.

3.2 With your consent, we may share your personal information with our affiliates. Subject to the manner and purpose of use of your personal information agreed to in this User Agreement, we will only share the necessary personal information with our affiliates. If a related party needs to use personal information beyond the scope of the aforementioned authorization for business purposes, we will seek your authorization again.

3.3 Some of our services will be provided by authorized third parties to fulfill certain purposes stated in this User Agreement. We may share some of your personal information with these authorized third parties to provide better customer service and user experience. We will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and only as much personal information as is necessary to provide those services. Authorized third parties are not authorized to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.

3.4 You agree that we may share your personal information with the following authorized advertising service providers. We will not share your personal information with advertising service providers without your authorization. However, we may share user profile tags that make it difficult to identify you personally with advertising service providers to help them improve the effective reach of their ads without identifying you personally. For example, only after advertisers agree to abide by our ad delivery specifications, we may tell advertisers how effective their ads are, or how many people have seen their ads or installed apps after seeing them, or provide these partners with non-personally identifiable statistics (e.g., "female, 25-29 years old, located in Beijing") to help them understand their audience or customers.

3.5 For third parties with whom we share your personal information, we will investigate their data security capabilities and environment, sign a strict confidentiality agreement with them, and require them to process your personal information in the manner and for the purposes to which you have agreed, in accordance with this User Agreement and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.

3.6 As our business continues to grow, we may enter into mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. In the event of such a change, we will notify you of the situation before transferring your personal information and continue to protect or require the new controller to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and security standards no less stringent than those required by this User Agreement.

3.7 We will not share, transfer or disclose your personal information to any third party other than our affiliates without your prior consent, except in the following cases:

(1) Where we have obtained your express prior authorized consent;

(2) You share it with a third party on your own;

(3) Directly related to national security, national defense security, public safety, public health, and public interests;

(4) Disclosure or provision is necessary in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, mandatory administrative and judicial requirements, or directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments. Under the premise of complying with laws and regulations, when we receive the aforementioned request for disclosure of information, we will require the other party to issue corresponding legal documents, such as summons or investigation letters. We will carefully review all requests to ensure that they have a lawful basis and are limited to data that the executive and judicial authorities have a legitimate right to obtain for specific investigative purposes;

(5) To the extent permitted by law or regulation, it is necessary to protect the life, property and other legitimate rights and interests of other users of the CSMPTE website, its affiliates or to maintain the safe and stable operation of products or services, such as the detection, prevention, treatment of fraud and other illegal activities and credit risk reduction (excluding the disclosure or provision of personal information for profit in violation of the commitments made in this User Agreement).

(6) The collection of personal information from lawfully publicly disclosed information, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

(7) Other cases stipulated by laws and regulations.

4. Protection of personal information security

4.1 We greatly value the security of your personal information and will endeavor to take various reasonable security measures (including technical and management aspects) in accordance with industry standards to protect your personal information from improper use or unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage, loss or leakage.

4.2 We will apply reasonable and practicable means to protect your personal information, such as encryption and anonymisation techniques, and use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on your personal information.

4.3 We will establish a special security management system and data security process to protect the security of your personal information. We adopt a strict data use and access system to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to your personal information, and conduct security audits on data and technology when appropriate.

4.4 Although reasonable and effective measures have been taken as described above and the standards required by the relevant legal provisions have been complied with, please understand that due to technical limitations and the possibility of various malicious means, in the Internet industry, even with all efforts to strengthen security measures, it is not always possible to guarantee that information is completely safe, and we will do our best to ensure the security of the personal information you provide to us. You are aware and understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may experience problems due to circumstances beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect the security of your personal information, including, but not limited to, using complex passwords, changing your password regularly, and not disclosing your account password or other personal information to others.

4.5 We will formulate emergency response plan and immediately start the plan in the event of user information security events, and strive to prevent the impact and consequences from expanding. Once a user information security event (disclosure, loss, etc.) occurs, we will promptly inform you, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, of: the basic situation and possible impact of the security event, the response measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions you can independently prevent and reduce the risk, remedies for you, etc. We will promptly inform you about the incident in the form of push notifications, emails, letters, SMS, etc. When it is difficult to inform you one by one, we will take reasonable and effective ways to issue announcements. Meanwhile, we will also report the emergency response of user information security events in accordance with the requirements of relevant regulatory authorities.

4.6 We would like to remind you that the personal information protection measures provided in this User Agreement apply only to the CSMPTE website. Once you leave the CSMPTE website and related services to browse or use other websites, services and content resources, we have no ability or obligation to protect any personal information you submit while using applications or websites other than the CSMPTE website. We shall not be liable for your access to or browsing of the above software or website whether or not it is based on a link or guidance from the CSMPTE website.

5. Management of personal information

We attach great importance to your management of personal information and make every effort to protect your rights to access (inquiry), modify (update or correct) and delete your personal information, as well as your rights to close your user account and withdraw your consent, so that you have the full ability to safeguard your privacy and security.

5.1 After you have completed the account registration on the CSMPTE user system, logged in, and performed reasonable and necessary identity verification, you may review, modify, and delete the personal information you have submitted to the CSMPTE website. You understand and agree that, in general, you may review, modify, and delete the information you have submitted at any time, but for security and identification concerns (such as the account number appeal service), you may not be able to modify some of the initial registration information submitted at the time of registration.

5.2 In principle, we will not charge any fees for your reasonable requests as mentioned above. However, for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, we may charge a certain cost fee depending on the actual situation. We may reject requests that are unnecessarily repetitive, require excessive technical means (for example, new systems need to be developed or current practices need to be fundamentally changed), pose a risk to the legal rights of others, or are highly impractical.

5.3 We will respond to your reasonable request above within 30 days. However, we may not be able to respond to your request in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations if your information has one of the following circumstances.

In any of the following circumstances, we may not be able to respond to your request in accordance with laws and regulations:

(1) Related to national security or national defense security;

(2) Related to public safety, public health, significant public interests, etc.;

(3) Related to crime investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement of judgments, etc.;

(4) There is sufficient evidence that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;

(5) Responding to your request may lead to serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations;

(6) Involving commercial secrets;

(7) Other circumstances specified in laws and regulations.

6. Rules of use that users must follow in the process of using the User Services

6.1 User shall comply with the relevant national laws and regulations;

6.2 User shall not use the User Services for any purpose that violates national laws and regulations;

6.3 User shall not use the User Services to upload, display and disseminate any false, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, vulgar and obscene or any other illegal information materials;

6.4 User shall not infringe upon the patent rights, copyright, trademark rights, reputation rights or any other legitimate rights and interests of any other third party;

6.5 User shall not use the User Services for any conduct detrimental to the Website;

6.6 User shall not use the User Services for commercial advertising purposes.

7. Changes to the User Agreement

In order to provide you with better service, we may update the CSMPTE website and modify this User Agreement from time to time, and such revisions will form part of and be effective as this User Agreement. We will not, however, limit your rights under this User Agreement as currently in effect without your express consent.

When this User Agreement is updated and the new version is available on the CSMPTE website, we will provide a push notification and remind you of the updates before they become effective so that you are aware of the latest version of this User Agreement.

For major changes, we will also provide more prominent notice (we will explain specific changes to the User Agreement by means including, but not limited to, email, text message, private message or a special notice on the browsing page).

Material changes within the meaning of this User Agreement include, but are not limited to:

Significant changes in our service model. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information handled, and the way personal information is used;

Significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. such as all changes resulting from business restructuring, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, etc.

A change in the primary recipients of the sharing, transfer or public disclosure of personal information; a material change in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and the manner in which they are exercised;

When there is a change in the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information and channel for filing complaints;

When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk.

8. Dispute resolution

8.1 The headings in this User Agreement are for convenience and reading only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of this User Agreement.

8.2 The copyright of this User Agreement is owned by us, and we reserve final interpretation and right to modification to the extent permitted by law.

8.3 The interpretation and dispute resolution of this User Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the mainland of the People's Republic of China. When you have any dispute with us because of the implementation of this User Agreement, both parties shall first negotiate and settle amicably; if both parties cannot negotiate a settlement, the dispute will be submitted to the Primary People's Court of Haidian District of Beijing Municipality for litigation.

(End of text)
